This is the full listing of future events presented by DATA's member Societies. Click on the name of any event for more information about that event and its venue. If you know of events that you believe are missing from our listing then please Notify Us of them.
Click here to copy this full event listing in tabular format for pasting in to Word or an equivalent (instructional video provided). However, if you want a listing of the next few weeks' DATA events for inclusion in your programme, then we recommend you use the "Download Flyer" facility in the "Coming Events" section of our home page () instead.
Click on "Copy Listing" and then paste the listing in to Word or an alternative application of your choice. The video embedded directly below explains how to do this.
Dates / Times |
Name | Presented By / Box Office and Enquiries |
Venue |
2025 | |||
18 - 22 Feb
Tue - Fri 7:30pm, Sat 1:30pm & 6:30pm |
Singin' in the Rain |
Presented by Belper Musical Theatre (tickets via or 01773 856190) |
Belper Community Theatre |
1 Mar
10am - 5pm |
Come and Sing Mozart's Credo mass |
Presented by Sitwell Singers (£20 singer tickets (advance only), see |
St. Peter's Church, Belper |
1 Mar
7.30pm |
Ranagri |
Presented by Music at Duffield (tickets from, 07977 091171 and on the door) |
St. Alkmund's Church, Duffield |
8 Mar
7pm |
Symphonic Entente |
Presented by Derby Concert Orchestra (Tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from |
Derby Cathedral |
12 - 14 Mar
7.30pm |
Lend Us Your Ears |
Presented by Derby Shakespeare Theatre Company (tickets £8, see for more information) |
Shakespeare House |
15 Mar
7.30pm |
J26 Sinfonietta: Space |
Presented by J26 Sinfonietta (tickets £12/ concessions £10 in advance via or £13/£11 on the door (card or cash), under 16s free) |
St. Peter's Church, Littleover |
16 Mar
4pm |
Benjamin Frith (piano) |
Presented by Derby Chamber Music Society and Music at Duffield (tickets from, and at the door) |
Multi-Faith Centre, University of Derby |
22 Mar
7.30pm |
Acts of Devotion |
Presented by The Derwent Singers (tickets £15 via & on the door by cash or card) |
St Michael with St Mary's Church, Melbourne |
22 Mar
7.30pm |
The Magical Musical World of Mayor Potter |
Presented by Derby Concert Band (tickets from and more details at ) |
Landau Forte College |
23 Mar
1pm & 7pm |
Chorus Song - A Celebration of Choirs |
Presented by A Song for Everyone (tickets £16, concessions £10 from & futher information from |
Derby Theatre |
25 - 29 Mar
7.30pm & 2.30pm Sat matinee |
Beauty and the Beast |
Presented by Central Musical Theatre Company (tickets £16, concessions £14 - see |
The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton |
25 - 29 Mar
7.30pm |
The Actress |
Presented by Marlowe Players (tickets £10 via, or tel: 0333 666 4466) |
Darley Abbey Village Hall |
29 Mar
7.30pm |
In Time of War |
Presented by Derby Bach Choir (tickets £25-£10, accompanied u16s free, available from,, Derby Live Office, choir members or on the door) |
Derby Cathedral |
5 Apr
7.30pm |
Baroque Alchemy |
Presented by Music at Duffield (tickets from, 07977 091171 and on the door) |
St. Alkmund's Church, Duffield |
5 Apr
7.30pm |
Spring Concert in the Cathedral |
Presented by Derby Choral Union (tickets £15, £20 or £24 in advance from with limited availability at the door ) |
Derby Cathedral |
9 - 12 Apr
7.30pm |
The Mikado |
Presented by Melbourne Operatic Society (tickets £15 / £13 concessions / free for 18 & under if accompanied by an adult - see |
The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton |
11 Apr
7.45pm |
Music from The Theatre and The Big Screen |
Presented by The Derventio Choir (tickets £10 at the door includes light refreshments during the interval) |
All Saints Church, Mickleover |
15 - 19 Apr
Evenings 7:30pm / Fri & Sat Mat 2:30pm |
Shrek the Musical |
Presented by Gatepost Theatre Company (tickets from |
May Hall, Trent College |
25 - 27 Apr | Vocal Competitions |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival ( Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.) |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
26 Apr
7.30pm |
Serenade to Shakespeare |
Presented by Sitwell Singers (More information at |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
27 Apr
4pm |
Musicians from London Mozart Players |
Presented by Derby Chamber Music Society (tickets from or at the door) |
Multi-Faith Centre, University of Derby |
28 Apr - 1 May | Instrumental Competitions |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival (Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.) |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
2 - 3 May | Choir Competitions |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival (Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.) |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
6 - 9 May | Speech & Drama Competitions |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival (Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.) |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
8 - 11 May
Weeknights 7.30pm, Weekends 1.00pm & 5.30pm |
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory |
Presented by Good Companions Musical Theatre (tickets via |
Derby Theatre |
14 - 17 May
7.30pm |
Death by Fatal Murder |
Presented by Quarndon Amateur Dramatic Society (tickets £12 see |
Quarndon Village Hall |
17 May
7pm |
Slavic Splendor |
Presented by Derby Concert Orchestra (Tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from |
St. Mary's Church, Wirksworth |
21 May
7pm |
Festival Winners Concert |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival (Includes winners from all Derby Arts Festival sections, tickets £6 on the door.) |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
6 Jun
1pm |
Lunchtime Recital |
Presented by Derby Arts Festival (free attendance) |
Derby Cathedral |
28 Jun
7.30pm |
Mozart Requiem with piano duet |
Presented by Sitwell Singers (More information at |
St. John the Evangelist's Church |
29 Jun
4pm |
First Night of the Proms |
Presented by Derby Concert Band (tickets £14 available from |
Derby Theatre |
12 Jul
7pm |
A Summer's Evening of Music from Stage and Screen |
Presented by Derby Concert Orchestra (tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from |
Derby Cathedral |
Singin' in the Rain
Presented by Belper Musical Theatre
18 - 22 Feb at Tue - Fri 7:30pm, Sat 1:30pm & 6:30pm
Belper Community Theatre
Further information:
Tickets via or 01773 856190
Come and Sing Mozart's Credo mass
Presented by Sitwell Singers
1 Mar at 10am - 5pm
St. Peter's Church, Belper
Further information:
£20 singer tickets (advance only), see
Further information:
Tickets from, 07977 091171 and on the door
Further information:
Tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from
Lend Us Your Ears
Presented by Derby Shakespeare Theatre Company
12 - 14 Mar at 7.30pm
Shakespeare House
Further information:
Tickets £8, see for more information
Further information:
Tickets £12/ concessions £10 in advance via or £13/£11 on the door (card or cash), under 16s free
Benjamin Frith (piano)
Presented by Derby Chamber Music Society and Music at Duffield
16 Mar at 4pm
Multi-Faith Centre, University of Derby
Further information:
Tickets from, and at the door
Acts of Devotion
Presented by The Derwent Singers
22 Mar at 7.30pm
St Michael with St Mary's Church, Melbourne
Further information:
Tickets £15 via & on the door by cash or card
The Magical Musical World of Mayor Potter
Presented by Derby Concert Band
22 Mar at 7.30pm
Landau Forte College
Further information:
Tickets from and more details at
Chorus Song - A Celebration of Choirs
Presented by A Song for Everyone
23 Mar at 1pm & 7pm
Derby Theatre
Further information:
Tickets £16, concessions £10 from & futher information from
Beauty and the Beast
Presented by Central Musical Theatre Company
25 - 29 Mar at 7.30pm & 2.30pm Sat matinee
The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton
Further information:
Tickets £16, concessions £14 - see
Further information:
Tickets £10 via, or tel: 0333 666 4466
Further information:
Tickets £25-£10, accompanied u16s free, available from,, Derby Live Office, choir members or on the door
Further information:
Tickets from, 07977 091171 and on the door
Further information:
Tickets £15, £20 or £24 in advance from with limited availability at the door
The Mikado
Presented by Melbourne Operatic Society
9 - 12 Apr at 7.30pm
The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton
Further information:
Tickets £15 / £13 concessions / free for 18 & under if accompanied by an adult - see
Music from The Theatre and The Big Screen
Presented by The Derventio Choir
11 Apr at 7.45pm
All Saints Church, Mickleover
Further information:
Tickets £10 at the door includes light refreshments during the interval
Shrek the Musical
Presented by Gatepost Theatre Company
15 - 19 Apr at Evenings 7:30pm / Fri & Sat Mat 2:30pm
May Hall, Trent College
Further information:
Tickets from
Further information:
Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.
Serenade to Shakespeare
Presented by Sitwell Singers
26 Apr at 7.30pm
St. John the Evangelist's Church
Further information:
More information at
Musicians from London Mozart Players
Presented by Derby Chamber Music Society
27 Apr at 4pm
Multi-Faith Centre, University of Derby
Further information:
Tickets from or at the door
Instrumental Competitions
Presented by Derby Arts Festival
28 Apr - 1 May
St. John the Evangelist's Church
Further information:
Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.
Further information:
Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.
Speech & Drama Competitions
Presented by Derby Arts Festival
6 - 9 May
St. John the Evangelist's Church
Further information:
Times will be confirmed in February when entries have been received.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Presented by Good Companions Musical Theatre
8 - 11 May at Weeknights 7.30pm, Weekends 1.00pm & 5.30pm
Derby Theatre
Further information:
Tickets via
Death by Fatal Murder
Presented by Quarndon Amateur Dramatic Society
14 - 17 May at 7.30pm
Quarndon Village Hall
Further information:
Tickets £12 see
Further information:
Tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from
Festival Winners Concert
Presented by Derby Arts Festival
21 May at 7pm
St. John the Evangelist's Church
Further information:
Includes winners from all Derby Arts Festival sections, tickets £6 on the door.
Further information:
Free attendance
Mozart Requiem with piano duet
Presented by Sitwell Singers
28 Jun at 7.30pm
St. John the Evangelist's Church
Further information:
More information at
Further information:
Tickets £14 available from
A Summer's Evening of Music from Stage and Screen
Presented by Derby Concert Orchestra
12 Jul at 7pm
Derby Cathedral
Further information:
Tickets £16, concessions £14 & children free, on the door or discount for online purchase from